Stress Management Using Movement

How is everyone doing managing their stresses? Stress comes in all shapes and forms and is experienced differently by everyone in their bodies and their minds.

Let’s talk a little bit about movement! Movement decreases stress hormones and releases endorphins (which help us feel good!). I know all of you ensure our kids get moving- and that’s fantastic! For young people, physical activity has many mental health benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety, increased confidence, enhanced relational skills, more restful sleep, and strengthened ability to concentrate—and it can be lots of fun too! Young people benefit from all kinds of movement—walking, running, helping with yard work, hiking, swimming, hooping, dancing, skipping, playing tag, throwing, climbing, biking, and playing sports! The key with youngsters is to keep it fun!

Kids are awesome at finding ways to be active all on their own. I’ve seen creative groups of kids make relay races or obstacle courses with just a few household materials.

What about when it’s raining and miserable? If the weather doesn’t cooperate, tons of videos are at our disposal to help keep kids moving. The links below are just a few examples of the THOUSANDS of videos available for our viewing pleasure:

Remember, before we get active, we should know our limits, participate within our comfort and challenge zones, and check in with doctors before doing anything too out of the norm!

Have fun! You got this!

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