Shifting to Positive Self Talk

Today, I want to discuss self-talk. Self-talk is like a soundtrack of our thoughts that play throughout our day. For many of us—kids included!—our internal dialogue can be pretty negative (for example, “I’m not good enough.” “I can’t get anything right.”). What does your soundtrack sound like? What do you think your kids sound like?

A lot of the time, our self-talk soundtrack is automatic—it’s just there. But, if we try to listen to it, we can question some of our more negative thinking and even replace it with something more positive! Shifting to positive self-talk has tons of benefits!—for example, it can build confidence, enhance stress tolerance, improve attitude, soothe anxiety, promote self-love, allow for taking risks, and help us work through new challenges.

 An activity: Positive “I..” Messages

Age: This activity can be adapted for any age, from toddlers to teens and adults!

Time: 2 minutes-2 hours… It depends on how long you want to spend!

Materials: Paper and something to write with (OR, get creative! You can use technology: Word or Paint programs, or cameras; or you can use other materials- magazines for collage, canvasses for painting, etc.)

Activity: Think, and then record, some positive thoughts about yourself! You can draw them, write them, ask a grown-up to help write them, paint them-whatever works best for you!  You can use a picture of yourself, or draw a self-portrait, or fill your page!

Here are some simple ideas to get the ball rolling:

I am FAST. I am a good listener. I am nice. I am funny. I stand up for others. I am creative. I am resilient. I can do hard things. I am strong. I am brave. I am learning. I am proud. I am capable. I am a good friend. I am a dancer.  I can try new things. I take chances. I am growing. I choose kindness. I play fair.

I know many of our young people are sooooo creative and amazing crafters! The act of creating something can heal our minds, hearts, and bodies. Making art can bring peace and calm and develop our fine motor, communication and problem-solving skills! In other words, art is awesome! Creativity is good for our health! 

Make art. Say nice things about yourself. And have fun!

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